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Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 1

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Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 1 (The Basic Knowledge of Health)


Why should people in modern times pay more attention to health?

Man cannot live without even one of the essential elements of life, which are air, soil, water and sunlight. It is clear that humans need co-exist with our natural environment in order to live harmoniously. Unfortunately, our environment is deteriorating day by day, until one day, it will become a threat to our very existence.

Sunlight is the only element that has remained unpolluted. However, the atmospheric ozone layer protecting our earth and its inhabitants is slowly being destroyed every day, allowing harmful ultra-violet rays to penetrate the earth. Because of this, many people have become afraid to expose themselves to sunlight in the fear that it might cause skin cancer. Most of us work and live in comfortable air-conditioned surroundings and hardly ever go out in the sun.

Insufficient exposure to sunlight on the human body decreases the function of blood circulation and lymphocinesia in our body. Our metabolism system also slows down as well as other internal organs. The human body becomes weaker and easily subjected to various ailments and diseases.


What is Health (Part one)? 

A good health is the basis to living a much longer life. If our bodies are healthy, our lives will be full of variety. On the other hand should one succumb to illness and become unhealthy, his life has practically shriveled up and he will face exhaustion throughout his life. Therefore, it is essential for us to maintain good health because good health protects our body.

Since ancient times to our present day, humans have been searching for the most effective methods of preserving health. For instance the ancient method called ‘The Art of Preserving Health’ and the modern method ‘Nutritious Way To Health Care’ share the same aim which is to extend the human life span. However, due to the limitations in Science, both methods are unsuccessful.

Some people place too much hope on certain health products, believing that these products can effectively treat all diseases, although they are missed most of the time.

There are people who refuse to accept a medical doctor’s consultation even when they are ill. They hold the belief that their illness can be cured through these health products. And of course, health product traders take advantage of these beliefs and offer claims that their products can miraculously cure all diseases. That their products are like the vital elixir in life when in actual fact, these claims are both dangerous and misleading. When one is ill, it is necessary to consult a medical doctor.

Health products are by no means medicines. They are not to be taken as medicine or even as a substitute because health products can only act as a complement in nourishing the human body to good health. Health products should be used to strengthen our bodies, act as a protection against invading diseases, subsequently reducing the threat of these diseases, so that we can have a healthier and stronger physical body.

In today’s modern times, health products include Ginseng, Lingzhi and Royal Jelly. These products are indeed effective, but if they are used to treat patients, then they should be consumed according to the individual needs and ailments of each patient and consumed with other medicines.

What is Health (Part two)?

People of different ages have varying standards of health. No one can be totally the same. We do share the same hope of keeping ourselves from falling ill and a slow aging process. In order to achieve these desires, people try many different methods and use various measures.

Exercising is by far the most common way. Other effective ways include discarding unhealthy habits and adopting a balanced and nourishing diet. Health products also pay a significant role into daily life.

Health products such as the FIR are developed with the latest technology and methods. They help in reducing the chances of us falling ill as they enhance the body’s resistance against invading diseases. As a result, we enjoy an improved health and greater immunity against diseases.

A definition of the Far Infrared Rays (FIR)

FIR is a type of electromagnetic waves, like that of invisible rays. We know that FIR is a spectrum of sunlight.

Sunlight can be categorized as visible and invisible rays. Visible rays include those that we can see in the spectrum of sunlight such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet whereas invisible rays can either be gamma rays, x-rays or ultraviolet rays. These have much shorter electro waves as compared to visible rays and are extremely penetrative.

Infrared Rays were discovered by a German Scientist named Sir William Herschel in 1800 while he was carrying out sun spectrograph research. His research led to the discovery that while there were the known visible and invisible rays as described in the above paragraph, there was a third previously unknown invisible ray. This ray has extremely strong heat reaction and is between 0.75 microns and 1000 microns. It was later named Infrared Rays.

Infrared Rays are categorized as:

  • Near Infrared Rays ( 0.76 – 1.56 microns)
  • Mid Infrared (1.5 – 4 microns) and
  • Far Infrared Rays (4 – 1000 microns)

According to biological research, Far Infrared Rays (FIR) is absorbed very easily by the human body. It brings numerous benefits to our bodies and other living creatures as it helps in all aspects of bodily growth and development. Thus, it is aptly named the ‘Light of Life’ as it is the source of all life on our earth. Sea turtles lay their eggs on the sandy beaches and bury them in the sand. Under the heat of the sun, and effects of Far Infrared Rays acting on the eggs for a period of time, tiny turtles are hatched. This is just one of the infinite life forms attributed to Far Infrared Rays. If there were no sunlight, all these would not have taken place. As such, we call Far Infrared Rays in sunlight the ‘Light of Life’. Actually, Far Infrared Rays do not only originate from the sun itself. Many living things on Earth such as the human body, the bodies of animals, soil and minerals are able to produce Far Infrared Rays under specific conditions and such rays are similar in nature to the ‘Light of Life’. Under this simple reproductive process, the eggs of insects, sea turtles, hens and birds undergo tremendous development from the influence of Far Infrared Rays. The ‘Light of Life’ cause the albumen and the yolk to develop into blood vessels, nerves, skeletons, hearts and other respective organs thus giving life to the young. The effects of Far Infrared Rays are greatly responsible for life to flourish.

Our bodies too can produce Far Infrared Rays. The intensity of Far Infrared Rays produced by the human body is ever-changing. When its intensity is high, we will feel healthy and will be able to overcome ailments. However, when it begins to decline, the human body will be subjected to attacks by ailments and disease, age quickly and become old there will be a decline in the state of health. And when we are about to face death, Far Infrared Rays radiation of the human body will be near zero.

Some people are able to treat ailments of others as their personal emission of Far Infrared Rays is very strong. This is what is known as “Qi-gong (气功; 氣功; Qìgōng)” and “The Healing Powers of Qi-gong”. As such the human body requires a continuous supply of Far Infrared Rays from Mother Nature to boost the powers of the Far Infrared Rays within our bodies. Constant exposure to sunlight will make us feel healthier, which is why a sunbath often leaves us feeling energetic and stronger.

What is so unique about Far Infrared Rays?

Far Infrared Rays have the following characteristics:

  • Travel in straight lines.
  •  Easily absorbed by the human body, reaching as far as 4-5 cm into the body. It reacts from inside the body.
  • Vibrate at the same frequency as the human body. When it comes in contact with bodies of a similar wave-length, such as the human body and other living things, there will be resonance thus causing both waves to vibrate at the same frequency and eventually the Far Infrared Rays are absorbed the body itself. This is called “Resonance Absorption”.
  • Causes a warm effect once it enters the human body. This is because the rays activate molecules and body cells. This effect is limited to varying levels in individual bodies.

Far Infrared Rays cannot be seen by naked human eyes. Not all red light contains Far Infrared Rays. Today, modern science and technology have enabled us to see the rays using scientific equipment called the “Far Infrared Rays detector”.

The effects of Far Infrared Rays on the human body (Part one)

Sunlight makes us feel warm. This feeling comes from Far Infrared Rays which adds vigor into our body cells. Thus, adequate sunlight helps to maintain and enhance our overall body health.

The effects of Far Infrared Rays on the human body:

  • Enhances the body’s micro-circulatory system.
  • Strengthens the body’s metabolism function.
  • Improves body resistance.

Since Far Infrared Rays are able to hatch eggs of insects, sea turtles, chickens and other animals, causing them to develop blood vessels, nerves, skeletons, skin and feathers, it can similarly contribute changes to the human body.

Our bodies are made up of cells and the most important component of cells is water. Water makes up 65% to 70% of the mass of the human body. The cells in the body in turn form various organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, blood vessels, nerves bones and skin. Just Far Infrared Rays are able to cause albumen and egg yolk to develop into various organs, it is able to activate, revitalise, reactivate, develop and strengthen the various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed.

In the various organs of the human body, the circulatory system plays an important role, especially the micro-circulatory system. It is the basis of the sustenance of life because if it deteriorates, death is likely to follow. When there are diseases and disorders with the micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur. Far Infrared Rays vibrating at a frequency similar to that of the human body is absorbed in to the body. It then activates the cells and reactivates as well as strengthens the micro-circulatory system. It also regulates the flow of blood and normalises the various systems of the body. Thus, Far Infrared Rays is able to regulate the blood circulatory system of the body, especially that of the micro-circulatory system.

The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us with energy and sustain our lives. Waste matters which are produced after the nutrients have been absorbed need to remove from the body. This process is known as metabolism. The metabolic rate of each individual is an indicator of his/her health. If we wish to have a healthy life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate.

Far Infrared Rays are able to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transportation of nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system. When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of Far Infrared Rays, it will naturally improve our metabolism. As such, the second benefit that Far Infrared Rays provides for the human body is the acceleration of metabolism resulting in improving energy and vitality.

Its third benefit is the reinforcement of the immune system of our bodies against diseases. This is part of the effects of the improvement in the micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the aging process, increase resistance against diseases and promote longevity.

The effects of the Far Infrared Rays on the human body (Part two)

Far Infrared Rays produce two different effects on the human body:

  1. Short-term effect

Far Infrared Rays is a form of thermal energy. It creates a warm effect upon the human body. As a result of resonance absorption, Far Infrared Rays are able to simulate the activities of water molecules and regulate the flow of blood especially that of the micro-circulatory system. It also strengthens body metabolism. Consequently, we will feel stronger and more energetic.

Far Infrared Rays are also able to diminish inflammation in our body, relieve pain, invigorate the circulation of blood and regulates the main and collateral channels through which vital energy circulates. Far Infrared Rays do help in reducing ailments which our bodies suffer from until it is fully recuperated.

Since Far Infrared Rays are a form of electromagnetic wave, it is absorbed by the human body through resonance absorption to activate body cells, to reactivate the functions of body cells and to strengthen and increase blood vessel resilience in order to treat ailments. For instance, diabetics are able to recover sooner, hastens the recuperation of kidney function and stabilizes blood pressure of suffering patients. Far Infrared Rays also aid in reducing skin wrinkles and restore the resilience of skin.

  1. Long term effect

Over a period of time, exposure to Far Infrared Rays, will improve our health. The immunity of our human body will be restored and strengthened where as our internal organs such as liver and heart as well as our skeleton, blood vessels and mental facilities will be strengthened. These will naturally help in preventing diseases. Far Infrared Rays is especially powerful when treating chronic diseases such as cancer, gastric ulcer, high blood pressure and heart and blood vessel disease.

Far Infrared Rays also help in slowing down the aging process and protecting the vital energy of our bodies. All in all, it can well be said that Far Infrared Rays benefit the human body in terms of maintaining our health, increasing resistance against diseases and increasing our longevity.

What are the benefits of Far Infrared Health Products?

With today’s breakthrough in the areas of Science and Technology, we have a better understanding of the benefits of Far Infrared Rays. Through research, we have discovered Bio-ceramics which can be used in the manufacture of various health products. This has indeed been a great leap forward by modern science and technology.

Bio-ceramics is a raw component which is capable of emitting large amounts of Far Infrared Rays. Under specific conditions and the influence of body temperature and due to its unique molecular structure, Bio-ceramics continuously emits Far Infrared Rays of a specific range   of wavelength (4 -16µm) This is the exact range required by the human body for ultimate absorption. These rays will activate the various biological functions of the human body. As Bio-ceramics only emit Far Infrared Rays, it does not cause any harmful effects to the human body.

Far Infrared health products produce two different effects on the human body:

The first effect of Far Infrared Rays is that of strengthening the body and restoring health, thus preventing diseases. The other benefit is its therapeutic effect on the human body which is capable of treating various common ailments. This form of therapy is based upon the strengthening of the resistance of the human body against diseases, thus reducing suffering of the patient and accelerating his recuperation. It is a form of therapy based on health-keeping principles and is different from chemotherapy and surgery. It is common for doctors in many hospitals to use Far Infrared Rays as a form of physiotherapy. Strengthening the body, maintaining health and prevention of ailments are important applications of Far Infrared Rays. This is because the occurrence of ailments is due to a decline or malfunction of the various system of the body coupled with external factors. We should not wait until ailments strike before seeking the aid of Far Infrared products. As such, Far Infrared health products are highly recommended for the prevention of ailments. It can be considered a necessary health product in our daily life.

The second effect of Far Infrared Rays is in the treatment of common ailments. We face various ailments in our daily lives. Far Infrared Health Products are able to provide therapeutic effects for such ailments. We will discuss this in detail in later chapters.

Will Far Infrared Products benefit everyone?

The answer is yes. It is useful for everybody for the simple fact that no human body can survive without the sun. The same principle applies to Far Infrared products as these rays emit from the sun itself.

It should be understood that Far Infrared Products do not produce standard effects for everybody. If you are young and healthy, Far Infrared Health Products may not bring significant changes during a short period. But to those who are weaker and older, far Infrared products will bring about tremendous changes.

As mentioned, the human body absorbs Far Infrared Rays through “resonance absorption”. According to physics, simultaneous vibrations only occur when two rays of the same wavelengths but with a different frequency of vibrations meet. When the frequency of these vibrations in the human body decreases, we grow old and face various ailments. By using Far Infrared Health Products, the human body will continue to have strong simultaneous vibrations. Hence, our body will be healthier and stronger.

Does this mean that a healthy person will not need Far Infrared Health Products? The answer is ‘no’ because everybody faces ailments throughout his life. By using Infrared Health Products, we will be in a better position to prevent ailments and recover better. We will enjoy health with relatively less ailments.

What is the difference between Far Infrared Health Products and other Health Products?

There are numerous health products in the market now. Every health product comes with its own unique functions and advantages. Each health product and method is in different stages of development and has different functions.

In recent years, we have made use of various types of health products such as nutrients to help reduce, prevent and treat different ailments to lead a healthy life.

We have now entered an era where Bio-ceramics offering the benefits of Far Infrared Rays have been developed and now made available.

Let’s compare the various health care methods and products available and its effects.

Normal Health Care Products

Ancient arts of life preservation
Chinese Boxing, Martial Arts, Qi-gong
Strengthens body, Health care, Therapeutic effects
Enhances health and reduces the threat of various ailments
Often remains a mystery as most lack scientific explanation. Also difficult to learn and to pass on.

Nutritious health care products
Various vitamins, various nutrients
Health care, treating ailments of nutrients deficiency
Able to counter all types of vitamin deficiency and weakness in the body
Limited usage. Can only be used when needed. Excess vitamins are stored in the body

Nutritious- Medical health care products
Nourishment through various nutriments. Various nutrients.
Health care, Therapeutic
Ideal for malnutrition and weak conditions
Limited usage. Only for the people who have the direct need. Excess usage will lead to side effects

Far Infrared Health Products
All kinds of products made from Bio-ceramics emitting Far Infrared Rays
Provides over all health care strengthens the body. Also provides physiotherapy treatments on certain ailments.
Can be used by all kinds of people and has no side effect. Also strengthens the body and maintains health, treats ailments, prevents disease slows down the aging process and for common ailments, it provides the effects of physiotherapy treatments.
There has been no weakness discovered since its introduction

Is our human body capable of discharging Far Infrared Rays?

Definitely. All human bodies, animals and minerals are able to discharge Far Infrared Rays under different specific circumstances.

The human body is able to discharge Far Infrared Rays because of its constant temperature and the continuous movements of the body’s organs, body structure, cells, blood and body molecules.

Our vital energy is actually the body’s Far Infrared Rays known as ‘qi’. The rays discharged by the human body are subjected by its health, age, season and the stage of any ailment it may be under. When enters the stage of death, his body will never discharge anymore Far Infrared Rays.

When one of the Far Infrared products of the same wavelength is placed near our body, simultaneous vibration of Far Infrared Rays of the same wavelength will occur due to our body temperature. Such simultaneous vibration will help the weaker parts of our body absorb more rays which will in turn strengthen and revitalise our health.

What is the relation between the Far Infrared Rays and human body’s vitality?

Our energy actually comes from the Far Infrared Rays. According to traditional Chinese medical science, vital energy circulates through body passages and there is “qi” everywhere, except for the air which we inhale through our nasal passage.

Vital energy consists of strong energy, weak energy and dead energy. The stages of strong, weak and dead energy clearly correspond with the state of our human body from the day we were born to the day we die.

The circulation of ‘qi’ in the human body exists in the so called “Field of qi”. “Field of qi” is the symbol of human energy and indicates how active the body functions are. There is a saying in “Nei Jing” written by Huang Di which means that when the vital energy is strong, evil fails to enter the human body. This means that when both life and functions in a body are active, ailments from the environment will not invade quite as easily. In modern medical terms, when a person has a healthy body, the immune system is strong enough to withstand both illness and ailments.

When this vital energy circulating in the human body is obstructed, ailments take place. For instance, “Stagnation of the circulation of the vital energy”. When the circulation of energy is regular, health will automatically be restored.

Tests by modern medical science have indeed proven that our vital energy and the field of energy existing in the human body is in actual case of Far Infrared Rays which has a wavelength of 4-16 microns.

The existence of Far Infrared Rays in the human body is directly related to body cells, molecules, micro-circulation, metabolism and immunity of the body. As a result, when a person protects the vital energy of his body, he is able to maintain good health. Humans rely on their vital energy to survive, and when his energy diminishes, the body faces the threat of ailments. When the vital energy is seriously threatened, death is very near.

By utilizing Far Infrared Health Products, we can replenish and increase our body’s vital energy through mutual vibration and absorption. It reduces ailments and restores energy and youthfulness. Of much more importance, Far Infrared Rays enable vital energy to circulate smoothly in the human body where it invigorates the circulation of blood.

This is the mutual relation between the human body and Far Infrared Rays which works together for the benefit of a healthy body.

What is Micro-circulation?

The micro-circulation system is spread throughout our entire body, from the skin to every internal organ. Micro-circulation covers very vessel in our body which is connected to the veins and arteries. They are vital in transporting fresh blood and nutrients contained in the blood to the various cells in the body. It also discharges waste from various organs and cells. In other words, the micro-circulation system is the pillar of our body’s metabolism. Once the circulation system is out of order, the metabolism system will be obstructed and disrupted, which in turn will cause ailments and senility. Therefore, our micro-circulation system has to be maintained well in order for us to have a healthy body.

Problems with our micro-circulation system is the main cause of human senility. Our birth, sickness, aging and death are the four natural milestones our human existence will encounter. A majority of us will succumb to ailments, but few will die of old age or senility.

A human being is expected to live up to a maximum of 120 years old. If we are able to improve the micro-circulation system of the body, we can prevent anything that might go wrong with our health. Should our micro-circulation system be improved, it is guaranteed that we will increase our longevity and lead a healthy life.

Many ailments of the human body is related to diseases and disorder of the micro-circulation system. For example, breakdown of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, urogenital system and metabolism system. In order to prevent these from happening, we need to continuously maintain the functioning of our micro-circulation system. The operations of this vital system has a direct effect on the ability of the human body to fight disease and determine a person’s level of health.

The importance of Micro-circulation to health.

The micro-circulation system in our body is an extremely long vessel. In fact, if we could connect all the individual veins and arteries, the entire length of it could very well stretch around the earth. We cannot rely solely on our heart for life. With its own resilience and function, the micro-circulation system is responsible for the well-being of our health.

If our heart is the centre of our being, our micro-circulation system is regarded as the ‘star city’. Far Infrared Rays are vital in strengthening and protecting the operations of the micro-circulation system in order for us to maintain good health. Most human body ailments are associated with failures in the micro-circulation system.

Where does Far Infrared Rays come from?

There are many objects which has the ability to produce Far Infrared Rays. All objects which can be heated have the capacity to produce Far Infrared Rays. As the sun is the hottest object in existence, it produces the majority of Far Infrared Rays exposed to the human body.

As mentioned, the human body itself can produce Far Infrared Rays.

A number of minerals in our earth such as metallic oxide, sand and rocks are able to produce Far Infrared Rays. To emit the rays, objects must be heated to a certain level. For instance, the ceramic materials used to fry millet has to be heated to a temperature of 150-200oC to produce the Far Infrared Rays. Normal ceramics will have to be heated up to 100oC in order to produce stronger Far Infrared Rays.

Artificial sources of Far Infrared Rays are equipment which requires heating to produce the rays. The Far Infrared Rays therapeutic equipment has to be supplied with power before it can produce the Rays. However, the Bio-ceramics that we produce require only human warmth between 36-37o C to emit Far Infrared Rays. In summary, the sources of Far Infrared Rays are:-

  • The sun
  • Human body    (includes certain living things)
  • Minerals          
      • Ceramics, electrical equipment (high temperature required to heat)
      • Bio-ceramics (low temperature required to heat)

What is Bio-ceramics?

Bio-ceramics is a new member of the ceramic family.

The ceramics used in our daily life are made of clay and burnt in oxidizing components. Scientific research has discovered that the ceramics emit very strong Far Infrared Rays during high heat. This is why cooking or boiled soup in ceramic cooker (such as the ceramic pot and ceramic medicine pot) tastes better and medicine is made much more effective.

Normal ceramics produce Far Infrared Rays with a long wavelength of 0.3 – 1000 microns which is not needed nor absorbed by the human body. The Far Infrared Rays used by the human body should:
Measure 4 ~16 microns in wavelength.
Not require extreme heating. Human body temperature should be sufficient to produce 4 ~16 microns Far Infrared Rays.

The ideal ceramic which fulfills the above requirements is Bio-ceramics, also known as Biochemistry ceramics. Bio-ceramics is a technological breakthrough and wonder produced from special components and the latest technology.

At this stage, only a few countries in the world have the technology to produce Biochemistry Ceramics, such as USA, China, Japan and Korea.

How do we produce Bio-ceramics? (What is “Superlong wave”?)

Bio-ceramics was discovered and successfully invented after significant research in benefits of Far Infrared Rays.

The Infrared Ray is a longer one is sunlight. Compared to visible light, it is called the long wave. The Far Infrared Ray is actually the longest wave in the Infrared Ray. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Far Long Wave’.

In actual fact, the wave length of 4 ~16 µm microns in the Far Infrared Rays in the sunlight is very precious because it is very crucial to the human body.

In the earlier days, NASA research on how to protect the safety and health of astronauts in space is detected that the 4 ~16 µm microns of Far Infrared Rays could be produced in the human body and with the help of special ceramics heated at a low temperature of 36-37o . Thus, Bio-chemistry was discovered.

The first persons to wear Bio-ceramics were NASA astronauts who traveled to the moon. Their space costumes contained Bio-ceramics which helped to protect the human body. Consequently, the costume was nick-named ‘space-costume’, ‘space cotton’ or ‘space cellulite’. In the 1980s, countries such as Japan, China and Korea began to develop their own Bio-ceramic Far Infrared products.

How does Far Infrared Rays protect our body?

Certain people are concerned that the efficacy of Far Infrared products may diminish over time as well as proper handling of the products.

The Bio-ceramics used in Far Infrared products is artfully produced by bonding and printing on textile. As long as Bio-ceramics continues to reside on the textile, the effectiveness of the product will never be lost.

To ensure long-term effectiveness, one has to be careful not to wash off the Bio-ceramic components in the garments during laundering. Gentle washing is recommended in any laundry detergent but hard-brushing is discouraged. After washing, the garments can be placed under the sun to dry. This will not affect the effectiveness of the Bio-ceramics. However, plastic-based products should never be exposed under direct sunlight for they will eventually lost elasticity.

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