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Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 3

Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 3 (More Information)


The effectiveness of the Far Infrared Health Products

                The statistics of effectiveness towards treating ailments

The Far Infrared Active Water and human health

                I. The importance of Water

                II. What is Far Infrared Active Water?

                III. The health function of the Active Water

                IV. The birth of the Infrared Active Water

                V. Introduction to Hydrotherapy

Hygiene during Menstruation

The health functions of the Far Infrared Products

                I. What is Far Infrared Rays?

                II. The effects of Far Infrared Rays on human body

                III. The benefits of The Far Infrared products

                                The following are a few examples of common ailments:

                                                A. Swelling of the prostate gland in men

                                                B. Health maintenance of the female urethra

                                                C. Excessive Leukorrhea in women

                                                D. Menstrual pains

                                                E. Piles

                IV. The health effects of Far Infrared Brassiere

                                1) Lumps in the breasts (nodules)

                                2) Mastitis

                                3) Breast cancer

                V. Conclusion

Far Infrared Products for health and its future prospects


The effectiveness of the Far Infrared Health Products

When Far Infrared Rays enters our body, the first thing it does is strengthen the body together with rays emitted by the body itself. From the pictures below, it can clearly be seen that a person suffering from high blood pressure is unable to emit much Far Infrared Rays. The entire body looks very dim in the picture.
After using Far Infrared products, this picture shows a much clearer body that has an improved blood circulation.
These are the changes in blood circulation and blood pressure before and after using Far Infrared products.

Pulse : 80 (times/min)
Blood pressure : 145/88
(millimetre of alkali)
Oxygen content: 91(%)
72 (times/min)
(millimetre of alkali)
97 (%)

The above statistics prove the improvement of human body after treated by Far Infrared products. A similar experiment has also carried out to test our micro-circulation system.
A hand which has been holding a Far Infrared Sun Bead for five minutes shows a significant increase of blood flow in the micro circulation system.
Far Infrared products clearly strengthen our bodies through an enhanced blood circulation which increases vigor and vitality in us.
Far Infrared products are able to enhance the body resistance of the elderly and middle-aged, increase vitality thus, indirectly prolonging the life span of the human.

Another research by the Japanese shows the benefits accorded to our bodies after exposure in a Far Infrared Sauna. Chinese medical expert Professor Zhou Shu Mei has also discovered through her research with more than 1000 patients, that exposure to Far Infrared Rays is very effective in treating below ailments.

The statistics of effectiveness towards treating ailments

Patients under observation
Treatment effectiveness
% of effecti-veness
Not effective
Rheumatic arthritis
Problem of cervical spine
Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci
Lumbar muscle degeneration
Soft tissue injury
Lower limbs phlebitis
Buerger’s disease
Sequelae of cerebral embolism
Neuritis at the end of complication of diabetes
Diabetes feet
Chronic gastritis
Uterine transportation
Pelvic inflammation

The Far Infrared Active Water and human health

              I.      The importance of Water

Water is absolutely essential for the existence of humans and all other life on this earth.
Two major purposes of water in our daily lives are for consumption and cleansing. It is very important that the water we use is clean. Long time ago, our ancestors were probably able to consume water directly from rivers, streams, lakes and wells. Because the source of water is so polluted today, we are unable to do likewise. Through filtering and sterilizing water before consuming it, we are actually destroying its benefits.
Mineral water is water obtained from underground rock layers, from weathered granite that is rich with minerals such as zinc, selenium, germanium, silica, carbon dioxide, potassium, sodium, calcium and iron, etc. All these are trace elements beneficial to the human body.
Magnetized water tastes better often because after undergoing the magnetic process, the salt components in the water have been dissolved, even the water molecule in its original form. However, magnetic water produces benefits only for a short while and the quality of it depends on the quality of the water itself.
Electrolyzed water is very similar to magnetic water. However, the process also destroys the molecule forms of the water, thus, reducing its benefits.
The use of Far Infrared Rays enables invisible waves to activate the water molecules through resonance vibration. When the water molecules are moving fast, this causes the big groups to break into smaller ones, sometimes even breaking down individual molecules. Through this process, oxygen ions contained in the water is also released which will sterilize the water and change its taste to alkaline.
Research carried out in Japan and Korea have shown that regular consumption of Far Infrared Water helps improve our metabolism process, cleans out excess acidic components, absorbs and dissolves certain poisonous toxins in our body. It also helps lower blood pressure, the fat content in water, improves the functions of our kidney, dissolves urinary calculus and relieves acid content in our body.

II.                  What is Far Infrared Active Water?

Water treated by Far Infrared Rays are called Far Infrared Active Water. There is a vast difference found in ordinary and Far Infrared Active Water.
Water consists of molecules of H2O.
The modern research has found that water is not formed by individual molecule of H2O but many molecules H2O which are mutually-related to form a huge molecule group.
The size of the molecules will determine the condition of the water. This also includes its physical and chemical condition and its effects toward the human biology. Generally, the larger the molecules, the less tasty is the water.
When the water molecules are small in size or in an individual position, they are very active. There is also an increase in amount of free oxygen and heavy hydrogen.
Because the water molecules are moving at an increased speed, they dissolve much faster upon entering the human body. Active water is also higher in its alkaline content which contains more oxygen. As it is easily absorbed into the human body, it enhances the micro –circulation system and helps in discharging body waste and acidic components from our bodies.

          III.      The health function of the Active Water

65-70% of our body content in water. This amount varies through our growth:

  • A new born infant has up to 80% of water in the body
  • Children have about 70-75%
  • Male adults approximately 65-70%
  • Female adults 60-65% whereas
  • The elderly have only 50-55%

The content of water in our body relies entirely on our external daily consumption. It is very important for us to maintain the balance of consumption and discharge of water in our bodies.
A balanced diet for the human body is when acidic food is consumed at one third the amount of alkaline food. Your eating habits clearly dictate your physique. Those with an acidic-food diet will have a weaker excretion of body waste and a slower metabolism which increases the burden upon both the kidney and liver, causing more health problems for the person. They will be more prone to ailments such as high blood pressure, hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hematencephalon and encephalomalacia.
One of the best ways to stay healthy is for us to consume alkaline active water. This is because active water is able to neutralize the excess acidic components in our body, speed up the metabolism functions and dissolve the poisonous and disastrous components to discharge faster from our body. At the same time, alkaline active water is able to improve vitality of body tissues, reduce the burdens upon our internal organs, and in the long term, helps us to stay energetic and healthy.

IV.                The birth of the Infrared Active Water

There are many ways to obtain “active water” although water obtained through magnetization will lose its form after a very short while. In order for the water molecules to remain in an active position, the water molecules should remain in small groups. This can only be achieved if the water has been treated by the Far Infrared Rays.
As a non-stop electromagnetic wave, Far Infrared Rays are able to provide a huge energy into the water, so that molecules will be broken into smaller molecules or single molecules. As a result, water will stay in an ionized condition, and the oxygen in water will break and accumulate to produce anion and free oxygen.
We cam now easily obtain Far Infrared Active Water by using bio-ceramic components which come in the form of beads, balls or tubes. The simplest way to obtain Far Infrared Active Water is by putting 1-2 bio-ceramic Far Infrared Beads (or Sun Beads) into a cup of water where after 10 minutes, the cup of water will be activated. A more convenient way is to use the Far Infrared Bottle.
We can also place the bio-ceramic beads into the kettle before boiling. After heating, the ability of the bio-ceramics to radiate Far Infrared Rays will be much improved.
 The bio-ceramic Far Infrared Cleaning Water System (such as the SHEBAH2020) utilizes the ultra filtrate, silver coating active carbon, ion exchange, sterilization and bio-ceramic Far Infrared Rays as the main components in producing Far Infrared Active Water. The advantages of Far Infrared Cleaning Water System are:

Complete shut, automatic function, preventing water source pollution.
  1. The most advanced method of the world to date to produce clean and active water.
  2. Water after process is tastier, with no bacteria or poison. The pH of water is very neat to 7.1 (medium slightly alkaline). The free oxygen, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide are maintain in the water to provide sufficient micro-elements and inorganic salt to a healthy body.

The Far Infrared Active Water is useful to promote and improve body metabolism, to clean excess acidic waste, to absorb and decompose poisonous and unhealthy elements in our body. The Far Infrared Active Water is able to lower the fat content in blood, improve functions of the kidney, resolve lithangiuria and reduce acidism.

V.                  Introduction to Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is named as “The treatment for the 21st century”. It has multiple health benefits and is able to treat certain ailments affecting our body. 70% of human body is made up of water, and almost 70% of all human ailments are caused by the water in our body. This is why all hydrotherapy plays an important role.
The main steps of hydrotherapy are:
  1. By using bio-ceramic Far Infrared components to produce Far Infrared Active Water.
  2. By drinking Far Infrared Active Water.
  3. Bathing in Far Infrared Active Water.

Through stringent control and tests, the active water produced has better quality than standards set by the International Clean Water. It is equipped with health functions. It brought to human life not only just a convenient lifestyle but also happiness and long life.

Hygiene during Menstruation

For every female the onset of menstruation is a milestone in her life and in fact during menstruation, personal hygiene is very important.
Especially when it happens at a special location, it needs special hygiene. However, most of our female friends are shy to mention it in public or even in private. They named it all kinds of funny names, and they suffer when it is not well taken care of.
When a girl starts to grow, the first sign is the growing breast, then followed by the growth of public hair. Then later blood starts to flow out from their private part, this is known as “periods”. At the beginning, the periods are not regular. It takes a year to make it regular. This is known as the menstruation cycle.
Menstruation cycle repeats when stimulated by female hormones. In the ever-changing and stimulation of the female hormones, the genital organs and breast of the females are changing simultaneously. This change will normally take 28 days as a cycle.
When the last period is over, the inner membrane of the womb will grow thicker, and the blood vessels will grow again and expand. At the same time, the female hormones will increase, after 12-14 days, the ovarium starts to ovulate, here, the thickness of the inner membrane of the womb would be double and it will excrete something which we named “the womb milk”. Here, the womb is preparing to receive the eggs. Since pregnancy does not always occur, the female hormone secretion suddenly occurs, the thick inner membrane of the womb will also suddenly degenerate, the blood vessels will become narrower, thus the blood supply will decrease and the womb will start to drop. At this time, the breasts will become painfully swollen and sexual hunger will increase. After 27-28 days, the inner membrane of the womb totally drops off, the womb will contract automatically. Together with the eggs, will be discharged from the body. Some females will feel extreme contraction of the womb, even painful muscle convulsions. This is what is commonly known as menstrual pain. When the womb discharges the inner membrane and blood water through the vagina, this is another period. This monthly occurrence marks the physical change from girl to woman.
Generally the menstruation will be around five days, but in the range of 3-7 days it is still considered normal. Some women’s period do not necessarily take 28 days; a 10-day delay or  a week in advance may be expected. A delay of 1 to 2 weeks is still considered normal.
During each period, women have to lose around 70cc of blood. When the inner membrane drops off, it will then regenerate, which takes 7-10 days. The body also needs to face the changes of hormones. Thus for women, this is uncomfortable. Various bacteria and complications pose a grave threat. If health precautions are not taken a month earlier, the body faces dangers.
Most women only take hygienic precautions during menstruation but not the whole month. This is not enough. This is because menstruation only turns up in a few days but the period cycle will happen the whole month. However, nobody can deny that one should pay more attention during menstruation.
We can divide health care of menstruation cycle into three:

  1. Hygiene and health care before menstruation.
  2. Hygiene and health care during menstruation.
  3. Hygiene and health care after menstruation.

The main aim of hygiene and health care before menstruation is to protect the growth of the womb, regulate blood circulation and to supply enough nutrients to the womb. At the same time, one has to take care of breasts. This is because even before menstruation, the breasts trend to swell, hard pieces appear on the breasts causing pains to the breasts. Neglect in caring for the breasts might lead to inflammation which can cause pains when touched.
Hygienic practice during the periods aims to maintain cleanliness of the vagina, preventing the intrusion of bacteria. At the same time to strengthen the womb to enable it to contract. All these have to be done by protecting and improving micro-circulation of the womb, protecting it and vagina from bacteria. These will speed up the rebuilding of the inner membrane of the womb and keep it healthy for the next menstruations.
Sometimes when hygiene is not observed, problems such as the mammitis, womb and vagina inflammation, leucorrhea, menstruation pain, sometimes even inflammation of vulva, allergic swell, itchiness of the vulva, etc are caused.
All these happened when our female friends do not know how to take care of personal hygiene during periods. Sometimes it happens when the products used are not clean enough.
There are many products in the market that are not clean and do not come up to the standards of the need of hygiene, for instance, during process certain disinfectant chemicals have been added in, or add in certain moisture absorbent material which are harmful to the human body, especially those did not pass stringent quality tests.
Since the creation of the bio-ceramic Far Infrared Rays and promotion of our Far Infrared Products, the Far Infrared female health products have contributed a lot to feminine health.
Firstly is the Far Infrared Brassiere which is useful in protecting female breasts. It reduces pain and swelling before menstruation period and during menses. During normal days, it helps to prevent breast inflammation, mammatis and breast lumps.
Secondly is the Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief. The Far Infrared Rays emitted from the Ladies’ Brief is able to improve the blood circulation in the womb and its attached organs, enhance body metabolism, reduce and diminish period pain, reduce leucorrhea, prevent bacteria infection and inflammation in the womb and vulva. At the same time it is capable of regulating excretion of female hormones.
The most important is the launching of the new sanitary napkin named BIO-12. It is actually the most unique sanitary napkin even invented.
BIO-12 has very special features such as: it utilizes the newest materials using high technology to dissolve the bio-ceramic Far Infrared Rays in the sanitary napkins. It’s unique properties include the dryness, cleanliness, fungi-proofing, moisture absorption, etc. During menstrual period, it helps to reduce period pain, so that the menses will easily pass, keeping the womb and the vagina free from bacteria. It also has the effect of reducing inflammation and sterilization. In a way, BIO-12 provides satisfactory effect in reducing period pain, leukorrhagia, irregular menses and long-term use of it helps a person to be free of ailments.
In short, hygiene precaution during menstrual period is very important. It should be looked into by every female and even males. This is a very important criteria to protect human health. For health care during menses, we can utilize the Far Infrared Brassiere and Ladies’ Brief, and there is the BIO-12, which is the best and the most reliable way to stay healthy.

The health functions of the Far Infrared Products

I.                    What is Far Infrared Rays?

Far Infrared Rays are generally named as the “Lights of life”. It is part of sunlight, which is invisible, thus it is also called “The invisible light”.
Far Infrared Rays are commonly known as the “Light of Life” because it has brought life to the earth. Up till today, the development and reproduction of all life-forms on Earth depends upon Far Infrared Rays in sunlight.
After laying their eggs, all insects depend on sunlight to hatch them and propagate. This is all done by Far Infrared Rays. Sea turtles lay their eggs on the sandy beaches and bury them in the sand. Under the heat of the sun, especially the effects of Far Infrared Rays acting on the eggs for a period of time, tine turtles appear. This one of the life forms which Far Infrared Rays have contributed. If there were no sunlight, all these would not have been taken place. As such, we call Far Infrared Rays in sunlight the “Light of Life”.
Actually, Far Infrared Rays do not only originate from the sun itself. Many living things on Earth such as the human body, the bodies of animals, soil and minerals are able to produce Far Infrared Rays; under specific conditions, such rays are similar in nature to the “Light of Life”. Hens and many other birds embrace their eggs and use the heat produced by their bodies to hatch them. They are in fact using Far Infrared Rays produced by their bodies to do the hatching, thus producing life.
Under this simple reproductive process, the eggs of insects, sea turtles, hens and birds have developed tremendously under the influence of Far Infrared Rays. These changes have caused the albumen and the yolk to develop into blood vessels, nerves, skeletons, hearts, etc. and give life to the young which live together with their mothers in this world. That is why the effects of Far Infrared Rays are so great.
Our bodies too can produce Far Infrared Rays. The intensity of Far Infrared Rays produced by the human body is ever-changing. When its intensity is high, we will feel healthy and will be able to overcome ailments. However, when it begins to decline, the human body will be subjected to attacks by ailments and disease, age quickly and there will be a decline in the state of health. And when we are about to face death, Far Infrared radiation of the human body will be near-zero. Some people are able to treat ailments of others as their personal emission of Far Infrared Rays are very strong. This is that known as “Qi-gong” and “The healing powers of Qi-gong”. As such the human body requires a continuous supply of Far Infrared Rays from Mother Nature to boost the powers of the Far Infrared Rays found in our bodies. Constant exposure to sunlight will make our body feel healthier. Because of this, we feel energetic and stronger after having a sunbath.
From the point of physics, Far Infrared Rays is a type of ray. A kind of invisible rays. A kind of light wave or electromagnetic wave which has a certain wave length. It travels in straight lines, and could be reflexed, when it comes in contact with bodies of similar wave-length, such as the human body and other living things. There will be resonance thus causing both of them to vibrate at the same frequency and eventually the Far Infrared Rays are absorbed by the body itself. This is called “Resonance Absorption”. It is a kind of “energy” saved in the Mother Nature. The existence of thermal energy is a result of the Far Infrared Rays.

II.                  The effects of Far Infrared Rays on human body

Since Far Infrared Rays are able to hatch the eggs of insects, sea turtles, chickens and other animals, causing them to develop blood vessels, nerves, skeletons, skin and feathers, it can similarly cause changes to the human body.
Our bodies are made up of cells, and the most important ingredients in cells is water. Water makes up 65% to 70% of the mass of the human body. The cells in the body in turn form the various organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, blood vessels, nerves, bones and skin. Just as Far Infrared Rays are able to cause the albumen and egg yolk to develop into various organs, it is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen the various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed.
In the various organs of the human body, the blood circulatory system plays an important role, especially the micro-circulatory system. It is the basis of the sustenance of life because if it deteriorates, death is likely to follow. When there are diseases and disorders with the micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur. Far Infrared Rays vibrating at a frequency similar to that of the human body are able to enter the body, activate the cells and reactivate as well as strengthen the micro-circulatory system. It regulates the flow of blood and normalises the various systems of the body. It is able to reactivate the flow of blood in blood vessels which have been blocked due to abundant blood and at the same time reactivate the vital energy in the body. That is why we say that Far Infrared Rays are able to regulate the blood circulatory system of the body, especially that of the micro-circulatory system. The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us with energy and help sustain our lives. At the same time, waste matters which are produced after the nutrients have been absorbed have to be removed from the body. The process is known as metabolism. The metabolic rate of each individual is an indicator of his/her health. If we wish to have a healthy life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate. Far Infrared Rays are able to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system.
When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of Far Infrared Rays, it will naturally improve our metabolism. As such, the second benefit that Far Infrared Rays provide for the human body is the elevation of metabolism thus improving energy and vitality. Its third benefit is the elevation of the immunity of our bodies against diseases. This is part of the effects of the improvement in the micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the ageing process, increases resistance against diseases and increases longevity.

III.                The benefits of The Far Infrared products

Today, with the continuous advance in science and technology, we have further understood the effects of Far Infrared Rays and through research, we have explained bio-ceramics which can be used in the manufacture of various health products. This has been a great leap forward by modern science and technology and such products are hi-tech products. Bio-ceramics is a raw component which is capable of emitting large amounts of Far Infrared Rays. Under specific conditions and the influence of the temperature of the human body, and due to its unique molecular structure, it continuously emits Far Infrared Rays of a specific range of wavelength (4-16 µm). This is exactly the type of Far Infrared Rays with the right wavelength range required by the human body. It is this type of Far Infrared Rays that activates the various biological functions of the human body. We call this type of raw component “Bio-ceramics”. As it only emits this type of Far Infrared Rays, it does not cause any harmful effects to the human body. Far Infrared health products produce two different effects on the human body. The first effect is that of strengthening the body and up keeping health, thus preventing diseases. The other effect is its therapeutic effect on the human body against diseases, thus reducing suffering and accelerating recuperation. It is a form of therapy based on health-keeping principles. It is different from chemotherapy and surgery. It is common for doctors in various hospitals to use Far Infrared Rays as a form of physiotherapy.
Strengthening the body, maintaining health and the prevention of ailments are the important applications of Far Infrared Rays. This is because the occurrence of ailments is due to a decline or malfunction of the various system of the body coupled with external factors. This is why the frequent use of Far Infrared health products will help to strengthen the body, maintain health and prevent ailments. We should not wait until ailments strike before seeking the aid of Far Infrared health products. As far as ailments are concerned, we all know that prevention is better than cure. As such, Far Infrared health products are the best for the prevention of ailments. It can be considered as a necessary health product in our daily life. Its second effect is in the treatment of common ailments. We are faced with various ailments in our daily lives. Far Infrared health products are able to provide therapeutic effects for such ailments.

The following are a few examples of common ailments:

A.     Swelling of the prostate gland in men

it is common for men to suffer from swollen prostate gland, especially men in their forties. It has become an inconvenience to them and common symptoms include weakness and difficulty in the excretion of urine, noeturia and in serious cases, in ability to urinate. At the same time, it may lead to a decline in sexual functions.
Those who suffer from the swelling of the prostate gland normally also suffer from prostatitis or even cancer of the prostate gland is one of the common killers of men.
The prostate gland is the organ responsible for the production of male semen and therefore very important to men.

The reason for occurrence of disorders of the prostate gland is normally related to excessive sexual activity and hygienic reasons. During sexual intercourse, the prostate gland expands due to an increase in the supply of blood before ejaculation can occur. If the blood supply to the prostate gland is always high, it will lead to clotting of the blood in the blood vessels supplying blood to the prostate gland thus causing it to swell permanently. When the swollen prostate gland presses against the urethra, various symptoms of difficulty in urination will occur. Unclean sex life will cause inflammation of the prostate gland which will result in swelling of the prostate gland.
Therapy using medicine and surgery will of course be very effective. However, such methods of treatment will harm the prostate gland itself and this will cause problems to men.
The fibres in Far Infrared Men’s Brief are embedded with bio-ceramic materials. It is able to emit Far Infrared Rays which directly penetrates the body through the skin. Under the influence of Far Infrared Rays, blood circulation to the lower part of the body will be improved. Prostate glands which are swollen and filled with blood clots will be normalised again and blood circulation to such areas will be improved, thus restoring their flexibility and their natural functions.
As such, the swelling will be reduced gradually until it normalises, improving health conditions and reducing suffering. At the same time, it also revives and heightens the sexual function of men. In this respect, Far Infrared Men’s Brief is unique for those suffering from ailments of the prostate gland and is also the best way of maintaining health. There is no need for injections or medicine. It treats and relieves suffering in daily life.
It is for the prevention of ailments of the prostate gland, then Far Infrared Men’s Brief should be used at a very early state. It is capable of maintaining the normal functioning of the prostate gland and prevents ailments.

B.      Health maintenance of the female urethra

Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief is also useful in maintaining the health and treatment of common ailments of the female urethra.
In our daily life, there are middle-aged and old women who excrete a few drops of urine every time they exert excessive efforts to carry heavy objects, sneeze or cough. Most of them just keep quiet and are shy to consult doctors on this problem.
Actually, this is a common ailment. This is due to the loosening of the muscles around the urethra. Women who give birth frequently and those who work hard for long period often suffer from loosening of the muscles in the pelvic region, resulting in their inability to control the valve of their urethra. This is why each time they exert force, urine automatically flows out.
There are also women who suffer from frequent urination and the quantity of urine excreted each time is rather small. There are some who have to visit the toilet just to pass a very small quantity of urine. This is known as “Precipitant Urination”. There are various reasons for the occurrence of this condition. The most common reasons are unhygienic sex life, bad personal hygiene and subjecting the lower part of the body to extreme cold. In medical terms, this is known as female urethritis or cystitis.
The reason for the occurrence of such ailments is due to long-term problems which have resulted in the vagina to lose its resistance against ailments and micro-organisms.
If women constantly use Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief, it allows the effects of Far Infrared Rays to come in contact with the vagina, thereby improving blood circulation to this part of the body. It will improve the resistance of the urethra and the bladder against infection thus preventing the occurrence of such ailments. Far Infrared Rays are capable of recovering and improving the muscular functions of the body, the flexibility of the blood vessels, improving metabolism, elevating resistance against ailments thus resulting in the body being healthy again.
Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief is therefore an important health product which should not be disregarded in the maintenance of healthy life for women.

C.      Excessive Leukorrhea in women

Leukorrhea is a white discharge produced by the vagina and cervix in women. Under normal conditions, women produce such discharge. If there is excessive discharge or if the discharge has an odour, then they are suffering from excessive leukorrhea.
Excessive leukorrhea is normally caused by bacterial infection. Unhygienic sex life and excessive sex lead to such an infection.
Far Infrared Rays are capable of aiding the recuperation of such a condition at it is able to elevate the resistance of the vagina against bacterial infection. It is able to improve blood circulation to the vaginal regions, increase metabolism of the vagina and return it to its normal condition. At the same time, Far Infrared Rays also possess antiseptic properties thus making it the appropriate health product for women.
From experiments conducted over the years, it has been proven that women suffering from excessive leukorrhea have completely recovered after wearing Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief for about two months. It has also improved their sex lives.

D.     Menstrual pains

It is rather uncomfortable for women to experience abdominal pains during their menstruation. This is common amongst young women.
The cause of menstrual pains is due to a malfunction in the blood circulation of the uterus. As the blood circulation is not smooth, the contraction in the muscles of the uterus is reduced thus causing the discharge to be interrupted. This in turn causes the uterus to bloat and feel painful. Those suffering from this type of ailment normally have longer period thus prolonging the pain.
Far Infrared Rays are capable of increasing blood supply to the uterus, helping it to contract better thus expelling the discharge after. It is also able to maintain the health of the uterus making it more active and paving the way for the next period to be more comfortable.
As such, Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief for women possesses a wide range of functions.
Those women who have used Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief have discovered that it is useful in preventing menstrual pains and other ailments with its effects.

E.      Piles

Piles is a common ailment known to all, regardless of sex, age or health condition. Far Infrared Brief is helpful for those suffering from piles.
The reason why people contract piles is because of the long period of time they spend sitting down. This causes the blood circulation to the lower part of the body to slow down. Coupled with bad eating habits, it causes the stool to dry and in serious cases, it results in constipation. This in turn causes an accumulation of blood in the anus and loosens the walls of the blood vessels resulting in clots and the formation of piles.
Far Infrared Rays are able to improve the blood circulation of the human body and remove blood clots from the anal region. It is thus advisable to constantly put on Far Infrared Brief to improve the condition of piles, reducing pain and recover slowly. For certain people, recuperation is possible without the administration of the medicines. Of course this has to be coupled with a change in the lifestyle of the individual. More fruits and vegetables should be eaten and more physical exercise should be done.

          IV.      The health effects of Far Infrared Brassiere

The breast is one of the most important organs of women. Many women die of ailments of the breast. Breast cancer is the number one killer among women. Under such circumstances, much attention has been paid to the well-being of women’s breasts.
The brassiere made from Far Infrared bio-ceramics is the best health product to use in order to overcome this problem.
The breasts of women begin to develop during adolescence. In the process of development, it is subjected to external forces. This, coupled with health problems of women themselves, such as hormonal imbalance, milking, etc., can result in serious and horrifying breast cancer. Common problems include:
1)      Lumps in the breasts (nodules)

These are formed as a result of the changing of female hormones. For example, prior to menstruation, the breasts are normally swollen and nodules are formed which may sometimes result in pain. This is a normal biological process, however when Far Infrared Brassieres are worn, blood circulation is activated thus reducing the nodules and pains. After the period is over, it will automatically return to normal.
There are also women who experience lumps in the breast as a result of milk retention after breast-feeding their children. This is because the blood circulation in the breast is not smooth and there is a decline in the absorption and recuperation process. If Far Infrared Brassieres are worn on a long-term basis, it will improve blood circulation to the breast area thus improving the secretion of milk as well as increasing the absorption process and preventing the formation of lumps in the breasts. For those who already have nodules in their breast, the improvement in the rate of absorption as well as blood circulation can cause their condition to return to normal.

2)      Mastitis

The breasts of women are organs which are susceptible to bacterial infections. They are very sensitive and in contact with clothing or breast-feeding can cause infection when bacteria enter through the nipples and causes inflammation. Mastitis is indeed a very painful experience and if it is not treated properly, surgery may be necessary. This is because there are lots of nutrients in the breasts which makes them suitable for the propagation of bacteria. If the resistance of the breast against such attacks by bacteria is decreased, there is bound to be problems. The application of Far Infrared Brassieres as introduced above, increases the metabolic rate of the breast through the improvement of the micro-circulatory system of the breasts. It is able to “clear the path” and “activate the blood” thus increasing resistance against bacteria and preventing ailments.

3)      Breast cancer

Up till today, there is no health product which can be used to treat breast cancer but it is possible to prevent breast cancer. One of the methods of preventing breast cancer is by wearing brassieres made of Far Infrared material.
Breast cancer is the result of complex changes in various ailments. These include unknown internal and external factors which cause cancer. However, there is one thing which can be ascertained, persistent modules, long-term hormonal imbalance and long-term rubbing or the application of force on the breasts are all reasons for the occurrence of breast cancer. Under such circumstances, the flow of blood to the breasts will be interrupted thus reducing the metabolic rate of the cells. As such, we hope that every woman can put on Far Infrared Brassieres in order to improve micro-circulation; improve the resistance of the breast against diseases and prevent the occurrence of breast cancer as its ultimate aim. All these can be done.

            V.      Conclusion

There are varieties of the Far Infrared products. In previous chapters we have introduced the Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief and its functions. In fact, different products have different ways to use and to keep the human body in better state of health.
There are also numerous ailments in human body. No matter what type of ailments, it is closely associated with the internal problems or blockage of the body. The blood circulation especially the smooth running or problem of the micro-circulatory system will be the direct source of all kinds of ailments.
Once we understand the functions and usage of the Far Infrared Rays and make full use of the Far Infrared health products, many of us will definitely gain a lot in terms of health.

Far Infrared Products for health and its future prospects

The use of Far Infrared Rays has revolutionised many areas of Science and Technology. Because Far Infrared Rays are invisible rays, they are also a form of thermal energy which travels in straight lines and could either be reflected or absorbed by many objects.
Due to the different wavelengths of the Infrared Rays and their varying contents and functions, the rays are categorized into three types : near, mid and Far Infrared Rays. The ray with the shortest wavelength is known as Near Infrared Rays which have extremely strong heat, permeability and radiation. Near Infrared Rays are seldom distributed by other waves such as electrical wave and light wave.
Whereas Far Infrared Rays have similar wavelength with those produced by the human body. These are easily absorbed into our bodies creating physiological and biological effects.
Infrared Rays are used for many purposes. For instance

  • It is used for reconnaissance, tracking, navigation and communications in the military.
  • In food technologies, it is used for storing raw materials, drying, for food reprocessing, production, packaging and preservation.
  • It is also used in lumber drying and dehydration and other functions which require drying.
  • It is widely applied in the electronic, machinery, medical, chemical, construction, paper production and packaging industries.
  • In agriculture, Far Infrared Rays are needed to warm, fertilize, enhance growth and increase production.
  • In the building sector, Far Infrared materials are also used. One of the building at Malaysia is the first of its kind to be constructed using Far Infrared building materials.

When applied to the human body, Far Infrared Rays have a biological effect.
What is meant my biological effects is that by using the wavelength of the Far Infrared Rays which can enter the human body, the rays are capable of activating water, blood and cells. This activation enhances our micro-circulation system and metabolism, which aids us in the fight against invading diseases and treats certain ailments.
According to research carried out in China, Japan, United States, Korea and Malaysia, Far Infrared Rays can truly offer many health benefits to the human body. Far Infrared health products are indeed capable of relieving fatigue, improve blood circulation and enhance body resistance. Following usage of Far Infrared products, one might begin to sweat, which is beneficial to the human body.
In a nutshell, the benefits brought by the Far Infrared Products are:

  1. Health care: to sustain health and slow down the ageing process.
  2. Disease prevention: to enhance body resistance against disease.
  3. Disease treatment: reduce the suffering of ailments and speeds up recovery.

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