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Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 2

Far Infrared Rays (FIR) part 2 (The Practical Health Knowledge)


Can Far Infrared Rays help in reducing fatigue?

Fatigue occurs when the level of one’s physical and mental burden eventually leads to a temporary imbalance of physical and mental functions. Many factors lead to fatigue, such as stress, lack of rest, over work, over-study and immoderate use of the brain. Fatigue will quicken the process of growing old.
The accumulation of cholesterol, lactic acid, free fatty acid over the years in our body also contributes to fatigue and aging. These acids are normally discharged from the body through the kidney and the pores. Unfortunately, people today do not drink enough water and spend too much time in air-conditioned environment. Exercise is also neglected and we seldom sweat.
This unhealthy lifestyle increases the burden of the kidney. The ideal way of expelling excess acidic components is through the skin which will in turn reduce pressure on the kidneys.
When acidic components and toxin are eliminated from the body’s system, one will feel healthier and fresher as body fatigue will also be discharged.
Far Infrared products are the best way of relieving tension primarily because the rays invigorate and improve blood circulation and enhance all functions of organs to ensure that all acidic components are ridden from the human body. Far Infrared products such as T-shirt and bed sheet are designed to enhance the sweating process. The process is similar to that of a sauna which leaves the body fresher and ‘lighter’. In countries like Japan, Korea and China, Far Infrared Rays sauna box is commonly used for the entire family’s convenience. Most ailments such as headache, arm-ache, lumbago, waist-ache and leg-ache are associated with fatigue of the body. The usage of Far Infrared products will in the long-term prove useful in preventing fatigue and related body aches, while contribute to improving the skin texture.

How far Infrared Mattress helps in reducing fatigue?

The best way to relieve a day’s tension and fatigue is by sleeping on the Far Infrared Mattress especially after a warm bath.
What are the reasons behind this concept?
Firstly, the comfortable warmth of the Far Infrared Mattress gently soothes and calms you down before you drift off to ‘deep sleep’. There are two types of sleeping condition. One is ‘light sleep’ which does not provide proper rest to the brain. This is the type of sleep where we twist and turn and experience dreams. Light sleep cannot help relieve body tensions but constitutes 60-70% of our sleeping time. Another type of sleep is ‘deep sleep’. Our entire body is relaxed, our breathing system slow and balanced and the brain is at rest. This is the best opportunity to relieve our body tension. 30-60 minutes of ‘deep sleep’ is usually sufficient. The Far Infrared Mattress creates a warm environment to help us achieve deep sleep conditions and effectively relieve the day’s tension. Once you awake, you will find yourself revitalised and energetic.
The second benefit of the Far Infrared Mattress is that it activates and improves blood circulation, thus helping the metabolism system in our body. Fatigue will produce a lot of acidic components. If they are not eliminated from our body, it will create persistent aches and fatigue. To compliment the effects of the mattress, drinking a lot of water is essential to flushing out all acidic components in the body through sweat and urine.

Why can’t certain people sleep well following usage of Far Infrared Products?

Although this is an unlikely situation, certain people may be overcome by the tension or the products may take some time getting used to.
Under normal circumstances, we are used to our daily routine and familiar belongings such as our clothes, bed and shoes. Upon shifting to Far Infrared Products which emit heat that is circulated in your body, you will feel warm and initial discomfort. This the normal effect of the rays whereby your blood circulates faster. Certain people may need time adapting to a new bed sheet and the idea of Far Infrared Rays and so fail to sleep properly.
It should be noted that such a condition is very temporary. Far Infrared products should be treated like any other products used in daily life. Take it easy, live your life as normal and you will soon enjoy the benefits of Far Infrared products and sleep better than ever.

How does Far Infrared Rays help in reducing inflammation and ease of pain?

Far Infrared products are excellent for reducing inflammation and easing pain. This includes normal inflammation, swollen joints, headache, toothache, leg-ache and stomachache.
Inflammation in our body is characterised by redness, swelling, heat and pain. These symptoms are caused by the human self defense system whereby once a part of our body is ‘excited’, it will fill up with blood, swell and heat up. The sensation of pain is actually a natural reaction of the human body towards certain ‘excitement’.
How does Far Infrared Rays reduce inflammation and ease pain?
From the viewpoint of the practitioner of Chinese medicine, Far Infrared Rays are able to invigorate the circulation of blood and reduce phlegm. From the viewpoint of Western doctors, Far Infrared Rays successfully accelerate blood circulation and strengthen body resistance. This helps to reduce inflammation and as a result pain will ease.
What is a suitable product to be used?
The product to use depends on the location of the pain, inflammation and swelling. The recommended products are the health card, sun beads and the Bio-12 which can be placed on whichever part of the body to ease pain.

How does Far Infrared Rays help a person suffering from headaches?

Almost everybody experiences headaches every now and then. Headaches are symptoms of various ailments. There are far too many reasons causing headaches. These reasons can be divided into the following categories:
a)      Pressure headache – too much tension, stress and worries in the daily life. Sufficient rest will relieve such headaches.
b)      Blood vessel headache – commonly known as Migraine which is caused by tension of the blood vessels leading to the brain. Tension causes the contraction of the blood vessels and limits the supply of blood to the brain. Pressure in the brain drops. When the blood vessels suddenly expand again, the brain is immediately filled with blood and pressure goes up once more. This painful process leads to Migraine.
c)      Serious headache – related to various ailments whereby the patients will need to consult a doctor of proper diagnosis. The common ailments are cerebral hemorrhage, apoplexy of the brain, meningitis and brain tumor.
The use of Far Infrared products are particularly helpful to reduce headaches in the first two categories. It addresses and diminishes problems like Migraine from the root cause.
Long-term use of Far Infrared products will maintain the stability of blood flow in the brain and prevent tension of the blood vessels. At the same time, normal circulation of blood in the brain will deliver sufficient nutrients and oxygen, thus helping to reduce fatigue and stress.
The Far Infrared Pillow Pad, Socks and Shoe-pad are highly recommended to address headache. Although there is a distance between the head and toe, acupoint and passages through which vital energy circulates are connected to each other.
Patients facing frequent headaches are advised to lead a systematic lifestyle, maintain a positive mood and try to stay calm and happy. Liquor, chocolates and coffee should be avoided while intake of vegetables and fruits increased. Patients should also ensure sufficient sleep and rest.

Can high blood pressure patients use Far Infrared products?

Yes, Far Infrared products can definitely help to lower high blood pressure gradually.
First of all, let us define what is high blood pressure. Ordinary human beings have a blood pressure of approximately 120/80 mmHg. When this figure goes above 140 mmHg or the diastolic end of the blood pressure rises above 90mmHg is known as high blood pressure.
 Of course, this varies according to the different ages of man. In most cases, the older the person, his normal blood pressure is higher whereas if he is younger, his blood pressure is then much lower.
There are many reasons that lead to abnormally high blood pressure in a person. The most common is when the tiny arteries start to shrink and become narrower due to clogging along his blood circulation. Clogging in the blood circulation happens when our cholesterol level is high. This will invariably lead to an increase in the person’s blood pressure. Other factors are when blood vessels start to lose its elasticity or when he has kidney problems. When we become emotionally unstable due to external pressure, this too will cause us to have high blood pressure.
When a high blood pressure patient uses Far Infrared Products, the rays will change the elasticity of the blood vessels, dredge the vessels and improves the viscosity of the blood so that there will be a smoother flow along the blood circulation.
Far Infrared T-shirt, Brief and Mattress will aid the high blood pressure patient. However, please bear in mind that Far Infrared products only act as a complementary health product. It is not a substitute for living a healthy lifestyle complete with guidance from doctors. We need to discover the root of high blood pressure, as it is not a disease on its own but a mere symptom.

Are Far Infrared products suitable for patients of low blood pressure?

The answer is also yes. There is no conflict with the earlier explanation to address high blood pressure. Far Infrared products resolve blood pressure problems specific to patients.
Low blood pressure refers to blood pressure of certain people which is lower than the normal pressure. As a general guide, blood pressure level below 90/60 mmHg is low blood pressure. For some people, it is normal to experience temporary low blood pressure.
Low blood pressure patients normally lose weight, experience nervousness, lack of appetite, cold hands and legs and dizziness. Low blood pressure problems could be inherited or caused by lack of blood.
Low blood pressure patients experience contraction of the blood vessels which causes problems to blood circulation in the body. The use of Far Infrared products such as Mattress, Brief and T-shirt will expand contracted vessels, improve blood circulation and strengthens the function of the heart. It also improves the production of hormone and enzyme in our body. As a result, Far Infrared Rays help balance the temperature of the body to adjust blood pressure to a normal level.
Again, it is important to consult doctors to determine the actual reasons behind low blood pressure as a basis for proper treatment.

How can Far Infrared products benefit those with diabetes?

Diabetes is caused by problems is the pancreas. The smallest unit in a pancreas is the pancreas islet, which produces a type of hormone named insulin, needed to transform the glucose in the blood into singular sugar form which can be easily absorbed by body structures and cells. If the insulin produced is insufficient due to problems of the pancreas, glucose content in the human blood will increase, some of which is expelled through urine. This condition is called diabetes.
There are two common types of diabetes. The first type relies entirely on injection of insulin while the second type does not. The latter type is a better position than the first.
Diabetes patients are easily thirsty, urinate more (especially at night), suffer from dry skin, itchiness, lack of appetite, a weak body and fatigue. The more serious diabetes patients may suffer from weak eyesight, abnormal nervous system, risk of high blood pressure, kidney problems and damaged limbs.
To control diabetes, one has to monitor the level of sugar in daily meals to lower the level of blood sugar and protect the function of the pancreas islet. Instead of relying solely on injected insulin, Far Infrared Rays help to improve the functions of the pancreas islet to increase the production of insulin and dilute the concentration of blood sugar. The diabetes patients may use the Far Infrared Belt (to be fastened on the upper part of the stomach), mattress (or bedsheet) or T-shirt. These products should be used for long term benefits. Besides usage of the products, it is necessary for diabetes patients to watch their diet and reduce the intake of sugar, exercise more, stop smoking, drink plenty of water (bio-ceramic active water) to dilute the blood and eliminate the acidic components left over by the process of catabolism of sugar in the body.

Are Far Infrared products useful to stroke patients?

Stroke is caused by:
  1. High blood pressure.
  2. High content of ester in the blood which causes thicker and ‘sticky’ blood and agglutination of blood cells which leads to the formation of “thrombosis”.
  3. High cholesterol content in blood.
  4. Elasticity of blood vessels is reduced or lost.
  5. Tension, over-exhaustion, smoking, drinking.
The combination of these factors causes part of the blood vessels in our body (mainly the brain) to clog and causes blood circulation to stop. This causes part of the brain components to lack in blood and eventually lose its functions leading to paralysis and loss of speech. This is called cerebral apoplexy. It normally occurs suddenly although symptoms would have started in our body for a long time.
 It is imperative to consult a doctor immediately. Once the situation has been in controlled and the patient is in the process recovery, Far Infrared products may be used to treat “the sequel of cerebral apoplexy” such as paralysis. Products include Bedsheet, Pillow pad, T-shirt and Brief. One also has to take basic action to treat the problem, for instance drinking a large quantity of bio-ceramic active water, monitor daily meals, reduce consumption of high fat and high cholesterol food, and consume more fruits and vegetables and to abstain from all unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcoholic drinking.
Taking precaution is utmost important. To reduce chances of stroke affliction, one has to check blood pressure regularly. If blood pressure is too high, immediate treatment or health care should be taken.
Stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, reduce cholesterol and fat in daily food and strengthen body built up.
One way is to use Far Infrared products such as Waist belt, Bedsheet, T-shirt and frequent drinking of Far Infrared Active Water which keeps the blood pressure at a normal level. Far Infrared products will keep your micro-circulatory system functioning properly.

Can cancer patients make use of Far Infrared products?

Cancer patients can certainly use Far Infrared products. However, we must bear in mind that these products do not provide direct treatment to the cancer, but should be used as a form of remedy against the disease under your doctor’s recommendation.
Cancer patients normally need to undergo treatments such as chemotherapy, radioactive, surgery and herbal treatment. It is during these periods that Far Infrared Rays will be very helpful in treating the patient as these treatments render the body’s immune system and micro-circulation to be less effective.
The two different types of cancer patients are those who fear that usage of Far Infrared products will only aggravate their illness (point will be discussed later) and those who are constantly trying out any health products as a hope that it will treat their cancer.
Both attitudes toward their ailments are not encouraged because modern medical science has made it possible for us to have high hopes that this disease will be treated. So we ought to have faith in medical science and doctors.

Will Far Infrared Rays further spread and divert cancerous cells?

This is certainly not true! Because Far Infrared Rays help in promoting your blood circulation, people fear that this will lead to cancerous cells spreading faster throughout the body.
It must be understood that cancer cells are entirely different from the normal cells in a healthy body. Far Infrared Rays will not have the same effect on these cancerous cells. On the contrary, exposure to the rays will actually cause the cancer cells to be destroyed and prevented in their growth. It must also be remembered that because Far Infrared Rays enhance the metabolism process in your body, this will improve the immune system, thus, your body is strengthened against the ravaging cancer cells.
Far Infrared products recommended for cancer patients are the Mattress, Brief and T-shirts. It will be more effective when used alongside other products like the CHITOSAN.

Are Far Infrared Rays capable of preventing cancer?

Cancer is now known to be one of the top killers of human lives. In the past, it was not known what was the cause of this deadly disease which spreads very quickly, destroying the human body in the process. Once a person has been diagnosed with cancer, death is very near.
However, as of recent years, treatment for cancer patients has undergone tremendous improvement. Under proper treatment, patients have their life span successfully extended to five or even ten years. We now know that cancerous cells can be concealed in the human body for many years before they manifest. Thus, the saying, ‘Cancer is not to be treated, but to be prevented’.
So, what is the best way to prevent cancer?
Although it is relatively easy for cancer to attack the human body because of external factors, it isn’t easy for the disease to manifest. This is due to our liver and kidneys which rid the body of the poisonous toxins which we have allowed to enter our body.
Therefore, it is essential that our kidney is protected as well as our blood circulation. Bio-ceramics and Far Infrared Rays in our body will certainly aid us in combating the spread of the cancerous cells. As 70% of our body’s blood passes through the kidney, we need to ensure that our blood circulation system is strong.
Although we may think that our body is already strong enough to combat these cancerous cells, it is because we are still young and our body is healthy. But it is inevitable that with age, our bodies become weaker and our immune system will not as strong as when we were young. During this period, cancer cells that are concealed in our body will then manifest.

Can pregnant ladies use Far Infrared products?

Definitely! Far Infrared Rays have been proven to be harmless to anyone. Even the foetus growing inside the womb will benefit from being exposed to the Far Infrared Rays. This is simply because the rays improve the metabolism of the mother which in turn enables the foetus to absorb more nutrients and develops at a better rate.
Therefore, there is absolutely no worry that exposure to the rays will bring any side effects.

Swelling of the prostate gland in men.

It is a very common thing for men to suffer from swollen or inflammable of the prostate gland and prostate gland cancer as they are related diseases.
We know that the prostate gland is the organ responsible for the production of male semen.  During sexual intercourse, the prostate gland expands due to an increase in the supply of blood before ejaculation occurs. If the blood supply to the prostate gland is consistently high, this will lead to clotting of the blood in the blood vessels, thus causing it to swell permanently. When the swollen prostate gland presses against the urethra, various symptoms of difficulty in urination will occur. An unhealthy sexual life will also cause inflammation of the prostate gland brings about its swelling.
As those suffering from swelling of the prostate gland will face difficulties in the excretion of urine, excess urine will remain inside the gland. This could sometimes lead to the inability to urinate at all. This will certainly affect a person’s sexual abilities and causes premature ejaculation and even impotence.
As this is mainly due to the blood in the prostate gland being clogged up, an improved blood circulation will certainly help. The simplest and most effective method of treatment is by wearing the Far Infrared Brief.

How does Far Infrared Brief help in the recovery of piles?

As piles is a very common ailment regardless of your age, sex or health condition, the Far Infrared Brief extremely useful in the prevention of this disease. Piles develop around the anus when the veins expand when there is increase pressure in the intestinal canals and abdominal cavity is developed through various ways such as:
  1. Stools were discharged in a stressful way.
  2. Body undergoes too much pressure during childbirth
  3. Obesity
  4. Lack of blood circulation due to long period of immobility or lack of exercise.
When the human body is subjected in the above manners, these will lead to greater pressure upon the anal vein.
Piles are either internal, external or both. Whichever way, this causes great discomfort around the anal. When passing out stools, there will most likely be blood as well.
Far Infrared Rays help in improving blood circulation which will remove the blood clots from the anal region. In turn, this causes the piles to shrink and eventually disappear altogether.
Far Infrared products which help are the Brief and sitting pad. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole wheat products should be consumed in order to prevent constipation.
There have been claims that Far Infrared Brief worsens the condition of the piles and increase bleeding. This is because with the exposure to the rays, blood flow will increase, sometimes causing the vessels to burst, thus the increased bleeding. However, bear in mind that this is only for a temporary period.
 As to how long it takes for the Brief to treat piles, this depends on the individual’s age, health condition and activities involved. The brief will certainly bring an improvement to your condition, though it will not be overnight.

How does Far Infrared Rays help in kidney problems?

Kidney problems have symptoms such as extremely yellowed urine, pain in the kidneys, lack of energy and appetite, inability to sleep comfortably and general body ache. This is due to the inability of the glomerulus inside our kidneys to discharge acidic and waste components left inside our body.
Over 70% of waste are discharged from our body through the kidney. The glomerulus is the last part of our micro-circulation system. With blood circulation, all the waste and toxins enter the ureter where it will be discharged in urine form.
Far Infrared Rays will successfully activate the glomerulus which aids in the discharging of all waste from our body.
Kidney patients are encouraged to use the Far Infrared Bedsheet, T-shirt, Belt, and Brief frequently in daily life. For those without any kidney problems, you can always make use of the Far Infrared Products to prevent any kidney problems.

Will Far Infrared Rays be useful for Goutyarthritis?

Goutyarthritis happens in our body’s joints as a result of the accumulation of uric acid. Parts of our body generally affected are the knee joint, hand, elbow and leg.
Uric acid is a part of our blood. It is a form of waster produced during our body’s metabolism process which is discharged through the kidney in the form of urine. Because some of us have far too much uric acid in our body, the kidney is unable to discharge all of it and it subsequently enters into our muscles and joints. Sometimes, the uric acid also converts into a form of crystal in the joints, causing much pain for the person and limiting the use of his limbs. Thus, the patient will require comprehensive health treatment.
Far Infrared products such as the Mattress, T-shirt, Belt, Elbow Brace, Wrist band and Kee brace will be very useful for the patient. Not only will these products reduce the pain in the joints, but will help to eliminate the amount of uric acid in the body.
Advice for goutyarthritis patients includes:
  1. Take lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. Reduce meat intake and certainly no liquor.
  3. Take at least 2 litres of water daily.
  4. Sufficient rest.

Will it help Rheumatism?

Rheumatism has certain similarities with goutyarthritis. Rheumatism happens when the synovia membrane is inflamed. The articular cavity becomes swollen makes the muscles cramp, causing patients much discomfort and pain.

The best cure in modern medicine is the Aspirinum and steroid (such as cortisone) etc. Ways to help a person suffering from rheumatism:
  1. Make use of Far Infrared products such as the Mattress, the knee brace, the elbow brace, brief, T-shirt and socks.
  2. Drink a lot of water.
  3. Suitable exercises such as ‘Tai-chi’, ‘Qi-gong’ and brisk walks.
  4. Adequate rest and nutrition.

What to do if one gets spur?

Spur in an ailment known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage in the joint deteriorates and gradually becomes thinner. Spurs will then begin to grow at the surroundings of the joint or on certain bones, most of which are caused by an injury or wound.
It may take several years before symptoms of spurs take place. When this happens, the patients will suffer much pain and encounter difficulties in movements because the spur is pressing against the nervous system which causes numbness in the limbs. This might lead not just to muscle cramps, but even death.
Physiotherapy will certainly help in reducing the pain. Far Infrared products are also beneficial to the sufficient patient. Other ways he should take to reduce spur are:
  • Adequate nutrition but ensure not to overeat as this will add pressure to your bones.
  • Exercising the joints.
  • Sufficient rest.
  • Avoid sleeping on a soft mattress.
  • Keep a proper posture at all times.
Why is maintaining a proper posture so important? Physically, all the organs in the chest cavity and abdominal cavity are located on the spine. When our posture is incorrect, this adds more pressure upon the bones, joints and muscles.
The diaphragm in between the chest cavity and abdominal cavity is an important muscle for the respiratory system. If we are not standing properly, the normal contraction of the muscle will be affected. The same goes for our sitting position.
In order to have good posture, we need to learn how to bring the pelvis to the same level, because this will decide whether your spine will move towards the front or bend to the back.
After you have sat down and decided to stand up again, always remember to pull your body up straight. Make sure your head is also upright, the chin slightly facing outward. Your arms should be placed close to your body and if your shoulders are leaning to the front, you need to straighten them again.

Proper postures are good not just for your health, but at the same time, will enable you to feel more confident.

What if one gets ‘Frozen Shoulder’?

The problem is named as such because it normally occurs when a person reaches the age of forty or fifty. Some refer to it as “Frozen Shoulder”.
It is in fact arthritis, where most of the patients suffer numbness or pain or rigidity in the back bone of the neck, shoulders and back of the body. In serious cases, the patients cannot even raise their hands.
The pain is most acute when going to bed every night whereby patients cannot fall asleep.
This is chronic disease which is not easy to be cured.
However, Far Infrared products are helpful to patients. The penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the joints of shoulders will cause heat reaction which extends into the inner part of the joints and helps to improve blood circulation to promote self-recovery.
In order to achieve this, patients have to be patient and use products such as:
  • The Far Infrared T-shirt.
  • The Far Infrared Mattress and Pillow pad.

Does Far Infrared Rays help in Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease. The main symptoms are coughing, difficulty in breathing and wheezing. Most patients are children.
Asthma occurs when the airway is excited by certain factors which lead to its contraction thus causing difficulty in breathing. There is a type of inhaler in the market which helps patients recover from asthma attack. The inhaler causes the airway to dilate and the breathing passage to open.
Many factors lead to asthma. It is considered an allergic disease. Anything which is sensitive to the body will cause asthma. When the immunology functions of the body do not function properly or is weak, asthma may also occur.
One popular olden custom to solve this problem is by drinking a lot of warm water or by inhaling the stream of boiling water. What is the theory behind this? The reason is that steam entering the lung will expand the narrow bronchus.
Far Infrared health products will be able to help you in treating the problem of asthma.
The methods:
  1. Always wear the Far Infrared T-shirt, especially when sleeping at night, for a long term.
  2. Wear the Far Infrared Sun Beads at the chest. The position should be right at the middle of both nipples.
  3. Wear the Far Infrared Sun Beads at the chest and massage the breast bone softly every day for 15-20 minutes.
More importantly, one should pinpoint the factors which are sensitive to the body and try to avoid them.
The common factors include: perfume, cosmetics, detergents, hair spray, pets at home especially the dropping fur of cats and dogs and dust. Even dirty carpets and air-conditioners may cause sensitivity.

What do we do if our upper limbs are numb?

When a person reaches middle-age, the problem of numbness at the upper limbs often occurs. Sometimes, it occurs along with numbness or pain at the back of the neck.
Many times this is caused by the growth of cartilage.
The growth of cartilage at cervical spine will cause the spinal cavity to be narrower which adds pressure to the nerves. In actual fact, these nerves will be connected to the upper limbs, the forearm and the end of fingers. When these nerves are under pressure, numbness occur followed by pain. Some also name this as “problem of the cervical spine”.
At a certain age, lack of exercise at the cervical spine, fatigue or injury, will also lead to the growth of cartilage at the cervical spine.
There is no special way to treat this problem but you can always exercise the cervical spine so that the spinal cavity of the cervical spine expand in order to relive symptoms.
An effective way to prevent this problem is by using Far Infrared Mattress and Pillow-pad for long-term which help to improve blood circulation, enable body to move actively and prevent the growth of cartilage.
For patients, you can also always make use of the pillow pad and bedsheet to reduce symptoms and help absorb the cartilage and speed up recovery.
Another alternative is by wearing the Far Infrared collar T-shirt, that is to imprint Far Infrared Material on the collar of shirt and wear it regularly to speed up recovery.

What is the use of the Sun Beads?

Sun Beads are made of Bio-ceramic Far Infrared Rays and looks very decorative. However, they are anything but decorations. Sun Beads have the greatest radiation among all Far Infrared products and are highly beneficial.
When Sun Beads are worn over the chest, the radiation of infrared rays will help in the control of asthmatic problems. If placed at the ‘acupoints’ of your body, Sun Beads have the effects of actual acupuncture. However, many of us do not know where the acupoints of our bodies are located. They have different names, for instance, a specific point in the middle of our chest is named ‘Tan Zhong’.
There is a type of treatment called ‘Three Holes Treatment’. The three holes meant here is the ear, navel and anus. If sufficient heat is supplied to these areas, a lot of ailments will be treated. If you place a Sun Bead at the acupoint at both sides of your nose (Ying Xiang), this will help in breathing difficulties. When a Sun Bead is placed at acupoints called ‘Nei Guan’ and Wai Guan’ at the wrists, this helps to calm a person down, enables him to sleep peacefully and lowers his blood pressure. No matter which area of your body is giving you pain, just massage that area with a Sun Bead. You will receive remarkable results.

What is the use of the Far Infrared Shoe Pad?

The Far Infrared Shoe Pad is made of rubber and bio-ceramic materials. It is very effective because:
  • It radiates the Far Infrared Rays.
  • There are pellets of Beads on the surface.
With these two unique features, the Far Infrared Shoe Pad will be able to:
  • Activate the blood vessels under the foot and improves blood circulation, which creates warmth. As far as we know, many of the ailments are caused by the coolness of the foot. In hot weather where our feet are already warm, this helps to relieve fatigue.
  • With the improved blood circulation in our feet, common foot ailments such as ringworm of the foot and beriberi can be prevented. Should our feet have mould, the Far Infrared Rays will help destroy the mould and reduce the odour.
  • Pellets at the surface of the shoe pad provide massage to our feet. This is very good for our feet as they receive the full impact of every movement made by our body.

What is the difference between Far Infrared Products and Magnetic Health Products?

Magnetic health products have been in the market ever since humans have discovered their potential benefits.
At the earlier stage, it was discovered that magnet is able to alternate the quality of water. Magnetized water reduces blood pressure and has a calming effect on a person. It also prevents stones from forming in the kidneys, urethra and bladder. Not only that, but it will improve the digestive system. All of these are possible due to the activation of our molecules by the magnetic field.
Then it was discovered that a stronger magnetic field produces a bio-electric current which improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation. Magnetic fields are still used as a form of treatment in many hospitals. The only drawback of using magnet is that it will eventually endanger our health.
The USA Environmental Protection Unit has released a study which states that long term exposure to magnetic fields will reduce our immunity system which in turn leads to a greater risk of getting cancer. Bones will also become easily brittle, especially for older people. Patients with high blood pressure and those recuperating from operations should also not to be exposed to magnetic fields. All of these are caused by the fact that the two magnetic poles, North and South, will influence the flow of our blood, leading to discomfort and headaches. Clearly, it can be seen that long-term usage of magnetic products will not lead to a good outcome.

What are the benefits of the Far Infrared Brassiere?

The Far Infrared Brassiere helps in protecting the female breast and enhances its shape. The breast is an organ filled with blood vessels, nerves and mammary glands. Its main function is to secrete milk. Whatever stimulates the breast will lead to the rest of the body. Therefore, when the blood circulation to the breast is insufficient, essential nutrients will be reduced in the breast, leading to a deterrent in its development.
During the period of breast feeding, the mothers will find that the milk secreted is less than enough, especially when approaching the stage of stopping breast feeding. As a result, the left over of the milk is not absorbed by the body, follow by the formation of the swollen parts on the breasts, which is the main cause of the existence of mastitis and breast cancer.
The Far Infrared Brassiere will improve blood circulation in the mammary glands. It enhances the secretion of milk, maintains elasticity and prevents the formation of swelling. Most of all, better blood circulation will lower the chances of breast cancer. Women are also encouraged to wear the Brassiere to enhance the physical look of their breasts.

How to help women overcome the problem of Dysmenorrhea?

Many women suffer from Dysmenorrhea especially the unmarried. The Far Infrared Brief is a solution.
Upon reaching a certain age, women have menses which comes in cycles of approximately 28 days. During the menstrual period which normally covers between 3-5 days, about 70-100 cc of blood is discharged.
Some women experience pains and convulsions which even spreads to the back or thighs. other symptoms suffered include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, especially during the first 24 hours of its arrival at each cycle.
Whereas the initial pain of menstruation is mainly due to lack of blood in the womb or proper nutrients, continuous pain is caused by other ailments. If our blood circulation is improved and contraction in the womb is strengthened, Dysmenorrhea can be overcome.
Thus, bio-ceramic products such as the Far Infrared Brief and Bedsheet will help in improving blood circulation and expand the blood vessels in the lower stomach. Sometimes, it takes only a month of usage before one finds Dysmenorrhea reduced.

How to solve the problem of Leukorrhea?

Leukorrhea is white secretion which is discharged from the vagina of women under normal circumstances. Sometimes, the secretion appear in yellow or red and emits a foul odour.
Normal secretion is slightly acidic in nature. When it is infected by bacteria, the colour then changes. This condition can lead to itchiness in the vagina area and sometimes the labia will also be swollen.
When this occurs, the vagina should be cleaned regularly with clean water and soap. One also needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate nutrition, water and rest. Moreover, your sex companions’ personal hygiene is important, too. The Far Infrared Ladies Brief will certainly help by improving blood circulation. The Far Infrared BIO-12 also helps. However, should one have trichomonas vaginitis, only a doctor can provide help.

What are the benefits of The Far Infrared BIO-12?

The difference between the usual sanitary napkin and the Far Infrared BIO-12 is that it contains Bio-ceramics. Its outstanding features are:
  • It is soft, protects the vulva, and is safe to use.
  • It has a high absorption ability.
  • Remains dry and comfortable after prolonged use.
  • Far Infrared components maintain cleanliness and have no odour.
  • Protects the womb and vulva by accelerating the discharge of the blood.
  • Reduces menstrual pain.

How to take good care of Lumbago?

Lumbago is very common, especially among the elderly. Reasons of Lumbago are:
  • Frequent bending of the waist and maintaining a certain posture which leads to the hardening of the muscles.
  • Mothers catching cold during their pregnancy.
  • Problems of the position of the womb, such as hypsokinesis and low position.
  • Prolapse of womb.
  • Abnormal menstruation.
  • Ovarian neoplasm, hydatoncus.
  • Spinal disease, cartilage grown at sacrum or synchondrosis.
  • Fallopian tube disease.
The above factors cause long-term Lumbago. Some can be treated by medical doctors, others through treatment.
Health cares that are recommended:
  1. Make full use of the Far Infrared Waist Belt.
  2. Use the Far Infrared Mattress.
  3. Far Infrared Brief.
  4. Take sufficient Far Infrared Active Water.
  5. Sufficient nutrition and rest.
  6. Increase exercises such as walking, jogging and ‘tai-chi’.
  7. Most importantly, consult your doctor to determine the source of your Lumbago.

What is the relation between Far Infrared Rays and Beauty?

Will Far Infrared Rays in sunlight cause the skin to darken and age at a faster rate?

It is actually ultra-violet light or the x-rays which cause skin to darken and age. Our body contains lots of blood vessels, sweat glands and glandula integumentaria in our skin. If they are not stimulated, sebum will remain in the skin. This leads to the growth of blackheads and herpes. Without good blood circulation, skin cells will lack sufficient nutrients brought by blood vessels and this leads to dryness of the skin and lack of elasticity.
By using Far Infrared Cosmetics, blood circulation of the skin will be improved, enhancing greatly the metabolism of the body and in turn, will keep the skin smooth and silky, lacking in wrinkles.
Far Infrared Cosmetics include: the Far Infrared Chitosan Soap, Chitosan Beauty Salt and the Far Infrared Mask. You are encouraged to use these products along with the Far Infrared Mattress and Pillow Pad to obtain better results.

Are Far Infrared Rays effective?

The human skin has a very complicated structure. It is made of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. There are also countless blood vessels, sweat glands, hair and glandula sebacea.
We experience different changes as we age. As a child, our skin is very soft and delicate. When we reach our teenage years, our hormones become very active, producing vast amount of sebum. If our skin is not taken care of, bacteria will develop and cause outbreaks of pimples and acne.
When we reach adulthood, the secretion from the glandula sebacea is reduced, thus, wrinkles will form due to the lack of sebum. When micro-circulation of the skin decreases, there will be less nutrients reaching our skin causing dryness where we begin to see the effects of aging.
Unhealthy habits such as smoking or frequent exposure to the sun and rain also contribute to the aging process. Also, because our metabolism slows down as we age, cells do not regenerate as often and as frequently as before. This causes blockage to our skin pores, leading to development of blackheads and freckles. In order to maintain good skin, we should use suitable skin care products. Far Infrared products recommended are:
  1. Bio-ceramics- Chitosan Soap for cleansing and massaging.
  2. CHITOSAN Beauty Salt for massaging.
  3. Far Infrared Mask for better cleansing.

What to do with prolapsed uterus of Middle-aged-women?

Due to childbirth and the advance of the years, muscles surrounding the urethra in the pelvic region will eventually become loose. This is especially so for women who have given births many times and those who have to endure hard labor. They will find it increasingly difficult in controlling the valve of their urethra and under exertion, urine can sometimes flow out unintentionally.
The Far Infrared Ladies’ Brief is useful in maintaining the health and treatment of common ailments of the female urethra. Frequent wearing of the brief causes the rays to come in contact with the vagina, thus improving blood circulation in the region. It will improve the resistance of the urethra and bladder against various infections. The Far Infrared Rays are also capable of recovering and enhancing muscular functions of the body.

The benefits of water to the human body.

Water is an essential requirement for the body as over 70% of our body contains water. Lack of water will cause problems such as the gout, thickness of blood and high blood pressure due to accumulation of acidic components in the body. Insufficient intake of water also causes roughness of skin and the increase of wrinkles.
Water consumption by human body each day
Water taken up by a human body in a day
Skin                       2.0
Lung                      1.5
Urine                     6.0
Feces                     0.5
Food                          3.0
Burning food             1.5
Subtotal                     4.5
We should take in    5.5
Total                    10.0
Total                         10.0

What is Far Infrared Active Water?

Water is made up of H2O, where water molecules are continuously kept active under natural circumstances. Active water is when molecules move continuously.
  1. Water molecules move fast, the gap between molecules are big, they are very active, exist as a single molecule. As contrary, when molecules move slower, their gap are narrower, which in turn form to be a molecule organization.
  2. Active water has higher solubility.
  3. Active water tastes better because it does not contain calcium, magnesium and other minerals found in water.
The Far Infrared Water is water after treated by the Far Infrared Rays which is more active. The heat of the rays heats up the water molecules causing them to move at a greater speed, thus, activating them.

The benefits of Far Infrared Water to the human body.

By activating water molecules in the human body, the Far Infrared Rays are able to:
  1. Ensure water is absorbed quickly by the body, thus improving blood circulation.
  2. Improve process of metabolism.
  3. Improve excretion of acidic component and waste through sweat and urine.
  4. Reduce the risk getting uraturia kidney stone.
  5. Balance the pH requirement of the body.
  6. Improve activities of cells, clean our kidney and reduce the burden of the kidney.
  7. Get rid of chlorine and odour in pipe water.
  8. Increase amount of oxygen in pipe water.
  9. When face is washed with active water, skin cells will be activated, which improve skin texture.
  10. Rice cooked by the Far Infrared Water has a better aroma.

How to obtain and consume Far Infrared Active Water?

The following ways can be used:
  1. By using the Far Infrared Plastic Container.
  2. By using the Far Infrared Filter.
  3. By soaking the Far Infrared Sun Beads in the water for more than 60 minutes.
By consuming Far Infrared Active Water, you will feel much more energetic throughout the day because your cells are activated. Far Infrared Water will lose its benefits if kept in an ordinary container. It should be kept in its proper container which is the Far Infrared Water Container.
 After your daily drinking water has been filtered, all bacteria is destroyed and smell, toxins and chemicals will be removed as well.

What is so special about the Far Infrared Detergent?

Far Infrared Detergent is the most advanced product which provides hyper-cleaning abilities to disinfect clothes as well as being environmentally friendly.
Most of us are unaware that the detergents we use are not effective and neither are they friendly to our health or to the environment.
The effectiveness of any detergent depends on its surface activator, volume and ability to stretch the fabric. Different components have different abilities to stretch, thus, producing different results. Many detergents contain benzene in its surface activator which is made of petroleum. Benzene is a dangerous substance to human health because it can cause leukaemia, anaemia, malnutrition, kidney problems and is a direct cause of cancer.
Should these waste water enter into our drinking water, it can cause much harm to our bodies. Other than benzene, normal detergents also contain phosphorus and fluorexone which harms the soil and growth of living plants. Fluorexone’s only purpose in detergent is to produce a clean sheen on clothes. In the long run, it will cause skin irritation such as swelling, itchiness and eczema. Should it come into contact with food, fluorexone will cause cancer. Other toxic ingredients of normal detergents include chlorox and oxidizing components such amino acids. All of these chemicals pollute our environment. The FIR has now introduced a new Far Infrared detergent that has many advantages. It contains absolutely no dangerous chemicals which has negative effects on either humans or the environment.
It has high cleaning abilities under the influence of the Far Infrared Rays and its natural enzymes are able to efficiently dissolve dirt on clothes and difficult stains such as those caused by blood, juice, oil and fat. Through resonation and activation, Far Infrared detergent is able to destroy all types of bacteria and microbes.
Because of the Far Infrared Rays, fibres in clothing are easily expanded, making them easier to wash. Its low foam content also ensures easy washing.

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