Cholesterol is actually one component of fat. As we know, fat is one of the nutrients that are needed by our bodies in addition to other nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Fat is one energy source that provides the highest calories. Besides, as one source of energy, actually fat or cholesterol in particular is a substance that is needed by our bodies, especially to form the walls of cells in the body. Cholesterol is also the base material forming the steroid hormones. But when excess cholesterol in the body will be buried within the walls of blood vessels and cause a condition called atherosclerosis is the narrowing or hardening of blood vessels. This condition is a precursor of heart disease and stroke.
Cholesterol we need it, normally produced by the body in the right amount. But he could be increased in number due to external food derived from animal fats, eggs and so-called junk foods.
What happens in the body?
The elements consist of fats in the blood cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and free fatty acids. Only a quarter of the cholesterol contained in the blood comes directly from the digestive tract is absorbed from food, the rest is produced by the body’s own liver cells.
Fats found in foods will be broken down into cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and free fatty acids when digested in the gut. The four elements of this fat will be absorbed from the intestine and enter the blood. Cholesterol and other fats element does not dissolve in blood. To be transported in the bloodstream, cholesterol along with other fats (triglycerides and phospholipids) must bind to proteins to form an insoluble compound and called lipoprotein.
Chylomicrons is liprotein transporting fat into the liver. In the liver, fat ties will be outlined, forming the four elements of the fat, and fatty acids that form will be used as an energy source or if the amount of excess will be stored in fatty tissue. When cholesterol intake is inadequate, the liver cells will produce it. From the liver, cholesterol is transported by a lipoprotein called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) to be brought into the body cells that require including the heart muscle cells, brain and others in order to function properly.
Excess cholesterol will be transported back by lipoproteins called HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) to take precautionary and it will be described and then dumped into the gall bladder as an acid (liquid) bile.
LDL contains more fat than LDL so that it will float on in the development of blood. The main proteins that form of LDL is apo-B (apolipoprotein-B). LDL is considered as the fats are “bad” cholesterol because it can cause sticking in the walls of blood vessels. Conversely HDL-called good fats because in operation it clear excess cholesterol from blood vessel walls to transport it back to the liver. The main proteins that form of HDL is Apo-A (apolipoprotein). HDL has less fat content and have high density or heavier.
How does cholesterol cause blockages in blood vessels?
Excessive cholesterol in the blood will be easily attached to the inner wall of blood vessels. Furthermore, LDL will penetrate the walls of blood vessels through endothelial cell layers, into the lining of blood vessel walls more in the intima. The smaller size of LDL or the higher density of LDL, the easier it is to infiltrate into the Iintima. LDL so-called small dense LDL.
LDL that had infiltrated into the intima will oxidize the first phase to form the oxidized LDL. -oxidized LDL will spur the formation of substances that can attach and attract monocytes (a type of white blood cells) through endothelial layer and into the intima in addition to LDL-oxidation also produces substances that can change the monocytes that had entered into the intima into macrophages.
Meanwhile-oxidized LDL oxidation second stage will have to be perfect oxidized LDL that can convert macrophages into foam cells. Foam cells are formed will bind together to form lumps that grew so great that form lumps that cause narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels
This situation will worsen because oxidized LDL perfect will also stimulates the muscle cells lining blood vessels in the deeper (the media) to enter the intima layer and then will split apart so that an increasing number of self.
The above description shows that the occurrence of blockages in blood vessels is not as easy as we imagine. High cholesterol levels need to watch out because it is a precursor process of blood vessel blockage, especially if the LDL cholesterol level is elevated, which we know as fat “evil”. If we see the formation mechanism of blockage of blood vessels above, LDL more dangerous when having a small size with high density or what is known as small-dense LDL.
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